Fishing is a skill that can be used for profit or food. If you fish for food, your cooking skill would most likely match that of your fishing. When you begin fishing, you are able to catch shrimp. To begin training, the best place is Draynor Village (south east of Lumbridge). If you go south of the bank, there are some convenient fishing spots. It is good to begin training there because of the nearby bank. Although crayfish are available to level 1, I personally like shrimp better because of profit and convenience. The next level fish for free players is the sardine. These you can catch in any ocean fishing spot, so just look on your world map to locate the oceans. The next two fish available are herrings and anchovies, also available in the oceans. Trout, pike, then salmon are next, all available in rivers. A very convenient spot is the river to the east of Barbarian Village because there is a bank directly north a little ways. Be sure when you are fishing, with the regular fishing pole you need bait, and with the fly fishing pole needed to catch salmon, you need feathers (obtained by killing chickens or buying).The last three fish available to free players are Tuna, Lobsters, and Swordfish. The only place free players can obtain these fish is on the island of Karamja. You get there by taking a ship with a cost of 30 gp from Port Sarim (located south of Falador). There is no bank available to free players on Karamja, but if you are fishing for profit, there is a general store. Unless you need to improve cooking, you may want to sell the fish raw because you make more gp that way. If you are fishing swordfish, it may be worth it to take a ship back and forth and put them in your bank for future eating, or to sell to the G.E, where you will make profits through the roof by those means.
Fish Level Needed XP Gained Where to Catch Equiptment
Shrimp 1 10 Oceans Small Fishing Net
Crawfish 1 10 Tutorial Shore Crawfish Cage
Sardine 5 20 Oceans Bait and Fishing Pole
Herring 10 30 Oceans Bait and Fishing Pole
Anchovies 15 40 Oceans Small Fishing Net
Trout 20 50 Rivers Feathers and Fly Fishing Rod
Pike 25 60 Rivers Bait and Fishing Pole
Salmon 30 70 Rivers Feathers and Fly Fishing Rod
Tuna 35 80 Karamja Harpoon
Lobster 40 90 Karamja Lobster Cage
Swordfish 50 100 Karamja Harpoon